It makes broad daylight look stormy and is quite immersion breaking. The specific issue I'm getting is that when using the in-game "Wait" menu, as the hours tick down, the sky in the backround changes colour to an odd, grayish-blue tone.

I talked to the mod author, the author of Nevada Skies, I created a thread on the Nexus Forums and on New Vegas Steam discussion, but I still haven't gotten to the bottom of it. I'm getting a few problems though, and I can't solve them this time around. It is great and I believe it to be truly fantastic. I have been trying out many New Vegas ENB presets (via theNexus) and I've had no issues that I couldn't solve. I use ENBseries for pretty much anything that has aged graphically over the years (or months!). I just joined and looking forward to a prosperous future on this site.